Consulting dedicated to the development of specialized financial services
Consulting dedicated to the development of specialized financial services

We are a consultancy dedicated to the elaboration of specialized financial services adapted to the needs of small and medium-sized companies, to optimize their decision making, providing updated information from any device.

Specialized financial services. Accounting consolidation.

Personalized information adapted to each of our clients

Access to your company information in real time

1 Knowing our clients to focus on the sector and work to be done
2 Establish criteria adapted to the needs of our customers: periodicity, ratios, volume, sector, etc.
3 Preparation of EE.FF and / or accounting consolidation: accounting, analytical accounting, cash flows, budgets, taxation, etc.
4 Check and validate the information with the client
5 Reporting: Explanation of the information provided
6 Client access to your documentation, at any time, from any device






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Contact information

Calle Alcalá 18, 3 Izq.
28014 Madrid

+34 91 197 81 12